Part 1.
Сразу хочу обратить Ваше внимание на то, что в Индии существуют различия между регионами в плане питания, набора блюд и предпочтений. Но, все же, есть, конечно, и общие особенности, характерные для всей Индии в целом.
First of all I'd like to draw your attention that each Indian region has its own particularities of food habits, food preferences and its own set of dishes. Though still there are common features of Indian cuisine.
Я буду вести речь, основываясь на своем опыте проживания здесь: то есть с уклоном на Мумбаи, штат Махараштра, и штат Керала.
I am going to speak about Indian cuisine basing on my own experience of living here: that is I will mostly describe Maharashtra (a state of India with the centre in Mumbai) and Kerala food habits.
Для начала хочу выделить любовь индийцев к лепешкам! Причем, это не то, что наши блинчики или оладьи. Индийские лепешки, если Вы привыкли к русским, украинским, в общем, к славянским блинчикам и оладьям, Вам покажутся значительно менее вкусными, а некоторые виды лепешек так просто отвратительны, на мой вкус.
I want to highligt the love (or habit) of Indians to pancakes! But ... thouse are not really pancakes if compared to Russian, Ukranian or European ones. In Russian and Ukraine we also make other types of pancakes, for example "oladyi" that are made with adding of sour cream or spoilt milk (prostokvasha). And those are all very tasty however we make them in Russia, Ukraine or other Europian countries while Indian pancakes , called "dosha" are much less tasty and some types of Indian dosha are even disgusting according to my Russian taste.
I want to highligt the love (or habit) of Indians to pancakes! But ... thouse are not really pancakes if compared to Russian, Ukranian or European ones. In Russian and Ukraine we also make other types of pancakes, for example "oladyi" that are made with adding of sour cream or spoilt milk (prostokvasha). And those are all very tasty however we make them in Russia, Ukraine or other Europian countries while Indian pancakes , called "dosha" are much less tasty and some types of Indian dosha are even disgusting according to my Russian taste.
Рисовые лепешки |
Indian dosha are made of different sorts of flour. Dosha are often made of rRice flour and wheet flour, the latter is commonly used in Russia and other western countries.
Основные ингридиенты лепешек - вода, мука, соль и 1-2 яйца. Причем, я так поняла, что индийцы даже сахар не добавляют, который просто необходим для сбалансированного вкуса.
The main ingredients of dosha are water, flour (I am familiar those made of rice flour and wheet flour), salt and 1-2 eggs. In addition, as far as I know Indians don't even add sugar that is absolutely necessary for a balanced taste if to speak about Russian cuisine.
The main ingredients of dosha are water, flour (I am familiar those made of rice flour and wheet flour), salt and 1-2 eggs. In addition, as far as I know Indians don't even add sugar that is absolutely necessary for a balanced taste if to speak about Russian cuisine.
Таким образом, как я уже отметила, это не блины и не оладьи, а не что иное, как лепешки, в составе которых даже нет молока или сметаны.
Thus, as I have already mentioned, dosha are not pancakes or odladyi, but something quite different, some kind of bread because it does not contain either milk or sour cream or any other dairy product.
Thus, as I have already mentioned, dosha are not pancakes or odladyi, but something quite different, some kind of bread because it does not contain either milk or sour cream or any other dairy product.
Лепешки здесь не считаются вкуснятиной, как у нас в России или в Европе, например, когда блинчики могут подаваться на десерт или на завтрак. Лепешки в Индии - основная еда, заменитель нашего хлеба.
Dosha are not considered as kind of delicious food like in Russia or Europe, for example where pancakes may be served as a dessert or the main part of breakfast.
Dosha are the main food in India and it's an alternative to bread in western countries.
Вероятно от того, что лепешки пекуться каждый день и подаются к столу 2-3 раза в день, хлеб, производимый на индийских фабриках оставляет желать много лучшего. К слову, здесь совсем отсутствует ржаной черный хлеб - видимо, сказывается любовь индийцев ко всему белому: здесь женщины пользуются тальком или пудрой, обильно насыпая ее на лицо, шею и открытую часть груди, считая, что это сделает их кожу белее, а значит, красивее. Однажды я даже видела, как маленькая девочка лет 9 старательно пудрилась белым тальком!
As a result of dosha being cooked every day and served 2-3 times a day, bread produced at Indian factories leaves much to be desired. By the way here I have not seen rye bread - it might be a result of Indian love for whiteness: Indian women use white talc powder and cover the face, neck and open part of chest with it until the skin grows a little whiter. They believe talc makes their skin look more beautiful as white is a synonim of beauty in India. Once I whitnessed a little girl of around 9 years old was applying white powder carefully to her face!
As a result of dosha being cooked every day and served 2-3 times a day, bread produced at Indian factories leaves much to be desired. By the way here I have not seen rye bread - it might be a result of Indian love for whiteness: Indian women use white talc powder and cover the face, neck and open part of chest with it until the skin grows a little whiter. They believe talc makes their skin look more beautiful as white is a synonim of beauty in India. Once I whitnessed a little girl of around 9 years old was applying white powder carefully to her face!
Поэтому, я думаю, индийцы черный хлеб просто не понимают. Самый темный хлеб здесь, который называется brown bread, то есть, черный хлеб, дотягивает только до нашей пшеничной булки 2 сорта, которая лишь слегка подрумянена и немножко темнее обычного белого. Выставлю фото попозже - сегодня этого хлеба дома нет.
So I think that's probably why rye bread is simply not for Indians because it's too dark to be popular here in India. The most dark bread in India is hardly as much dark as Russian bread made of rough wheet and just has darker shade of white colour. I will display the picture of this bread later so that you could see that Indian brown bread is quite light and in Russian, for example, it would not be considered as brown bread.
В общем, если Вы, как и я, любитель европейского хлеба разных сортов, типа фокаччо с луком, сыром и так далее и не признаете хлебом буханки сроком старше 1-2 дней, то в Индии Вам придется тяжеловато, если Вы приедите на длительный срок. Честно говоря, такой хлеб, как продают здесь, я бы в России или Европе есть не стала! А здесь у меня просто нет выбора, так как я люблю иногда на завтрак бутерброд с сыром или овсянку, к которой мне тоже нужен хлеб.
To sum it all up, if you are a fan of good fresh bread of different European types like onion bread, bread with cheese, bread with raisins, bread with some herbs or with grains, or simply good bread without any filling, in addition if you do not eat bread older than 1-2 day old, then you would be really suffering in India if you live here for quite a long period. Honestly, such quality of bread that is sold here in India I would never buy and eat in Russia because we have a wide range of choice for bread in Russia! While here in India I simply have no choice because I prefer to eat oats with bread as well as I need bread for making cheese sandwiches.
В супермаркетах, как и у нас, можно купить полуготовую смесь из муки и воды для того, чтобы печь лепешки и не тратить время на приготовление теста.
One can also find a semi- ready mixture of flour, water and salt for baking dosha without spending much time on making batter.
Таким образом, большинство индийских женщин пекут лепешки каждый день. Я иногда тоже пеку лепешки, но я стараюсь в них добавлять молоко или дахи (местная сметана), чему мой муж слегка сопротивляется. Индийцам непонятно, как это можно в лепешки что-то еще добавлять для вкуса, тем более, если Вы решите, например, сделать оладьи с изюмом - Вас вообще не поймут и вкус не оценят.
So most Indian women bake dosha every day. I also bake dosha, pancakes or oladyi sometimes but mostly I try to add some milk or dahi (Indian sour cream) in it. Though my husband is slightly against me adding any dairy products to his dosha. Indians can't imagine that we may add something else to pancakes except ordinary ingredients. So if you decide to add something else in dosha for making it more tasty, especially if you add something really special like raisins, then Indians may simply not figure out why you did that and whats the idea of it.
Как известно, традиционные индийские блюда едят руками, при этом лепешки используются как заменитель столовых приборов: карри едят, прихватывая куском лепешки.
It's well known that traditional Indian dishes should be eaten with hands while dosha is used as a replacement of cutlery: curry is eaten being grasped with a piece of dosha.
It's well known that traditional Indian dishes should be eaten with hands while dosha is used as a replacement of cutlery: curry is eaten being grasped with a piece of dosha.
Кстати, вопреки нашим представлениям о карри, это вовсе не то, что мы привыкли думать. Западный человек, не посвещенный в тонкости индийской кухни считает, что карри - это специя желтого цвета, испрользуемая при приготовлении блюд. Однако, это совсем не так.
By the way, contrary to our ideas about curry, curry is no the same as westerners usually believe. A westerner, not enough familiar with Indian cuisine, thinks that curry is a spice of yellow colour used for cooking of dishes. However it's not eхcatly like that.
By the way, contrary to our ideas about curry, curry is no the same as westerners usually believe. A westerner, not enough familiar with Indian cuisine, thinks that curry is a spice of yellow colour used for cooking of dishes. However it's not eхcatly like that.
Карри - это блюдо из овощей (они бывают разных видов) или из курицы или мяса, приготовленное с соусом. То есть бывает овощное карри и мясное карри. При этом, цвет у этого блюда почти всегда действительно желтоватый из-за порошка Turmeric, по-нашему порошок куркумы, который является обязательной составляющей карри. Кстати, этот порошок хорошо влияет на пищеварение, что немаловажно при такой остроте пищи, как у нидийцев, в главное, обладает противовирусным и противоинфекционным свойством.
Curry is a dish made of vegetable ( there are different types of vegetable curry) or chicken or meat cooked with a sauce. Curry almost always really has yellow shade because of turmeric powder that is commonly used in curry. By the way turmeric powder has a good influence on digestion, that is quite important because Indian food contains alot of spices, and also has antiviral and anti-infective features.
Curry is a dish made of vegetable ( there are different types of vegetable curry) or chicken or meat cooked with a sauce. Curry almost always really has yellow shade because of turmeric powder that is commonly used in curry. By the way turmeric powder has a good influence on digestion, that is quite important because Indian food contains alot of spices, and also has antiviral and anti-infective features.
Продолжение следует
To be continued
To be continued
А это Вы читали?
1) Заметки о индийской еде: Индийская еда для русской/
Have you read these?
1) Notes about Indian food: Indian food for a Russian girl
2) More notes about Indian food: Did you know that...?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi Eva,
ReplyDeleteI just came across your blog today and I was delighted to read your experience in India.
Since I live in Uruguay I understand what you would have to go through.
It is not too difficult to find good Russian food though.
An other thing I noticed was that you consider Dosha to be pancake, when they are completely different. Dosha is just flour and water mixture and they are not supposed to be sweet, you can have it with some kinds of curry or mashed potatoes (masala dosa) or any other spices... They come in a different variety..
you can say Dosha me more of an Indian version of chinese crepe.
For pancakes however, you would need all purpose flour, sugar, butter, and eggs, which would be really delicious with Dulce de leche or maple syrup or as is.
Good to see your blog though.
-Dipu's cousin
Hi, Vinita,
DeleteThank you for your comment, I enjoyed it reading that you understand me :) I hope it's possible to find Indian food or ingredients for cooking Indian dishes in Uruguay. Well, actually, nothing what I used to buy in Russia can be found here in India. But I'm getting accustomed to it and adjusting too... For example, I learned to make canned tomatoes, cucumbers and green peas. Though not for long term storage, without conservation, just for using them with several days.
Pancakes in Russia are not always a sweet dish. Pancakes themselves contain quite little sugar so that you even will not feel that they do. Pancakes can be served with sweet sauces, cream, jams, sweet fruit honey, condensed milk, as well as one can eat pancakes with different kinds of fillings like minced meat, chopped cabbage, curds and many others. In this case, a pancake turns into a separate dish for lunch or dinner.
Take care,
:) hmmmm what to say after reading this blog. Russian not liking dosha bcos it does not have sugar or dairy products, not enough it becomes racism indian using turmeric for food and applying it on face to become fair. Should applaud the Indian trying to be very good (as usual) also trying to explain about Chinese dishes's and mixing it with little Dulce de leche or maple syrup. Hey was quit funny reading this blog though. Keep it up. Come up with more funny dishes and ingredient's like kallu, vodka and things ........... Take it easy
ReplyDeleteHello :) Thank you for having read my article and expressing your opinion. It's nice to see Indians read my blog. (That's why I try to write it in English too). As for Russian "dosha" ( We actually have different variants of this type of food having different names) Russian people cook them in a sweet mode as well as non sweet. Sweet variant is served as a dessert while non sweet variant can be cooked as a dessert or as a separate dish depending on the stuffing (what is put inside). And I wanted to add, for Russian people "dosha" (or whatever to call it) is not the main dish like dosha, chapati etc for Indians. We eat bread instead, but bread that we eat in Russia is fresh and we don't put preservatives in it to keep it for a week or so. We do eat only fresh 1-2 days old bread! It might be interesting for you that we don't usually cook it at home (though sometimes we do) but we buy bread daily at the shop.
DeleteUnfortunately I didnt understand your idea about turmeric powder, could you explain please?
Good one anonymous
ReplyDeleteЭва, а как же бирияни?)
ReplyDeleteБирияни имеет место быть )) и по сути это знакомый нам всем плов. Надо сказать, что мне не пришлось отведать вкусного бирияни, так как свекровь бирияни не готовит, а делает отдельно рис, а к нему разные карри, закуски (упэри) и рыбу.
DeleteБирияни- мое любимое блюдо в азиатской кухне. Наши с ним "нежные отношения" начались еще со Шри-Ланки. Я его дома, в Украине, готовлю довольно часто